The Fake Heiress's Inner Thoughts Were Heard by Her Entire Family

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Shen Qi An didn't know why the girl next to Gu Lin had been staring at him for so long.

He was on the run, and he had to find Shen Tu before Shen Huaichu's bodyguards caught up with him!

He lowered his head, ready to make a dash for it, but was stopped by Jing Yi.

Shen Qi An was already on edge, and being stopped only added to his panic. In his fluster, he prepared to push Jing Yi aside and escape.

If Jing Yi had only been suspicious before, Shen Qi An's move confirmed her suspicions.

Before he could react, Jing Yi reached out and grabbed his wrist!

Shen Qi An instinctively struggled, but Jing Yi quickly grabbed his elbow joint with her other hand. With a slight twist, she turned his arm around, locking it behind his back, and then pressed down on his neck, forcing him back into the elevator.

The whole incident happened so suddenly, and Jing Yi's movements were smooth and efficient, taking only a few seconds.

By the time the other three reacted, Jing Yi had already subdued him.

Shen Xi's eyes widened as she quickly stepped behind Jing Yi. "Yiyi, he really is suspicious, isn't he?"

Chen Yisi was stunned, instinctively moving to protect Shen Xi as she muttered, "It seems Xi Xi wasn't exaggerating at all."

Gu Lin was anxious. "What's going on? Is this guy trouble? Should I call security?"

Shen Qi An, pinned in the elevator, couldn't struggle free. He shouted angrily, "What's the meaning of this? Why are you grabbing me for no reason?! Let me go!"

Jing Yi's expression was calm as she stared at him with her almond-shaped eyes.

"Gu Lin, come take a look. Do you recognize him?"

Gu Lin, who was already on the phone with security, turned to look. After taking a few steps closer and seeing the man's face, his expression changed dramatically.

"Shen Qi An! Why are you here?!"

Gu Lin instinctively glanced toward Shen Tu's direction, noticing that they seemed to be looking this way. He hurriedly pressed the elevator button.

The doors closed again.

He asked again, "Why are you here?!"

Jing Yi looked over, somewhat surprised to see the usually carefree Gu Lin with such a serious expression.

Shen Qi An, realizing there was no point in hiding anymore, stopped struggling and smiled oddly.

"Little Lin, is this how you talk to your brother? Why can't I be here? Is this Gu family's mall only for your relatives to shop in?"n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Gu Lin frowned deeply and stepped closer to Shen Qi An.

"Don't give me that nonsense! How did you escape...?" Gu Lin glanced at Jing Yi, "How did you get out?!"

Thinking of Shen Tu shopping in the mall, Gu Lin's mind raced, and his expression grew even more troubled.

"Are you here for my mom?"

Shen Qi An chuckled. "What's wrong with me visiting my aunt?" He glanced at Jing Yi, who was still holding him down. "Why don't you let this lady release me first?"

Jing Yi didn't loosen her grip in the slightest. Now that she had confirmed his identity, she couldn't let go. Even though she didn't know his intentions, they certainly weren't good.

Besides, Aunt of Shen Huai Chu was still outside.

Gu Lin was about to press for more answers when his phone rang. It was Shen Tu.

With Shen Qi An still here, Gu Lin couldn't answer the call. He couldn't risk Shen Qi An causing a scene and his mother finding out about his situation...

While Gu Lin hesitated, Jing Yi had already decided on a solution.

"Go see Auntie. I'll keep an eye on him until the people you call arrive."

Whether it was security or someone else, they had to get this "escaped" man back first.

Gu Lin immediately refused. "No, it's too dangerous!"

Maybe Shen Qi An wasn't as physically strong as Jing Yi, but he was a man, and a cunning one at that.

Besides, he knew too many secrets about Shen Huai Chu.

"Auntie is right there. Aren't you worried she'll see him?" Gu Lin hesitated. "No way! If anyone should stay, it's me. You go calm my mom down!"

Jing Yi frowned slightly, feeling that Gu Lin was being indecisive.

"Instead of wasting time arguing, why don't you just call the people to watch him!"

Gu Lin paused, then asked, "Do you know who he is?" Shen Qi An also looked over curiously, but Jing Yi only tightened her grip further. "I've heard of him."

Chen Yisi, seeing the two still at a standstill, urged, "Go on, I'll keep an eye on things here."

The phone rang again, and Gu Lin seemed to make up his mind as he looked at Jing Yi.

"Whatever he says, don't believe it!"

Gu Lin hurried out of the elevator, glancing back at Jing Yi in the elevator with concern in his eyes.

"Hey Mom? Oh, I suddenly dropped something and had to go back for it. Yeah, I found it already..."


Shen Qi An was held in a security room, surrounded by a circle of security guards, with Jing Yi still watching him from behind them.

"Miss Jing, why don't you and Yiyi go upstairs to meet Gu Lin? I'll keep an eye on him."

Chen Yisi, though not familiar with Shen Qi An, was well aware of the events surrounding the Shen family. She knew about Shen Qi An's relationship with Shen Huai Chu and also knew about Shen Huai Chu's relationship with Jing Yi.

Jing Yi continued to watch Shen Qi An. "No, I'm a bit curious about this person."

Chen Yisi: ...That's exactly why we want to keep you away from him.

Jing Yi stayed, and Shen Xi naturally stayed by her side.

Hearing their conversation, Shen Qi An smiled, his twisted grin still in place.

"So you're Jing Yi?"

He had thought she was Gu Lin's girlfriend, but it turned out she was the girlfriend of that other person.

Jing Yi crossed her arms, not at all surprised. "You know me?"

Shen Qi An tried to adjust his position to feel more comfortable, but as soon as he moved, the surrounding security guards tightened their circle, brandishing their batons at him.

He didn't care, still smiling. "It's not strange that I know you. What's strange is that you know me."

Jing Yi stepped closer, examining Shen Qi An's face. "You look much older than before." If it weren't for his haggard appearance, she wouldn't have recognized him as the man she saw at the Huarui Group entrance.

"I had the pleasure of seeing you at the Huarui Group entrance."

Shen Qi An's face darkened as he recalled his desperate plea to Shen Huai Chu at the Huarui Group entrance.

He hadn't expected that among the people there, there would be a Jing Yi.

No wonder Shen Huai Chu had taken a liking to her—she was just as annoying!

Shen Qi An's eyes gleamed with malice, and his twisted smile made his already unkempt appearance even more bizarre. His bangs had grown long enough to cover his eyes, and with that smile, he looked downright eerie.

Shen Xi felt a chill and instinctively moved behind Jing Yi.

Jing Yi gently patted her hand and whispered, "Why don't you let your boyfriend take you to rest over there?" Shen Xi shook her head quickly. "No way, this creepy guy might try something to you. I have to stay and watch."

"There are so many people watching him. What can he do? It's really fine."

Shen Xi hesitated, not agreeing, but Jing Yi continued, "Don't worry, it's all in plain sight. Just sit over there."

Jing ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍Yi pointed to a spot that was indeed not far away.

Only then did Shen Xi allow Chen Yisi to lead her over.

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