Thoughts on [Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling
Thoughts on [Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling
First of all, thank you to all who read this story, it means the world to me that people have actually enjoyed my writing. If someone told me two years ago I would have published a story, I would have said they were crazy. So, I want to delve a little into my thoughts on the story.
When I first started, I had honestly never written anything in my life before. Maybe a thousand words here and there for school, but that was it. I'm sure some, if not most, have noticed problems in my writing, whether that be characters, prose, grammar, etc. But honestly, I had literally 0 knowledge of any writing techniques when I started, and as a slow learner, am still trying to come to grips with this strange new world I've delved into. I didn't even know what prose meant, LOL.
This story was only meant to be a practice in action writing, so for my next story, I would have some tools to lean on. Never did I think that I would end up with a publishing deal, let alone a Webcomic. So when it came to characters, as a new writer with only a basic grasp of storytelling and writing techniques, I could only try my best to flesh them out in any way I could.
Astrid was meant to be a flawed character at the beginning, slowly overcoming that with her experiences. She evolved past her initial child-like self, and grew into a person that was mature with her powers.
And so we come to the ending. It was rushed, I have no excuse. I was initially going to end it just before that time skip in the Eye-Queen Trials. I had no intentions of continuing the story, as I am well and truly burned out. Instead of leaving it there, I forged on to conclude the main plot line so at least the readers got that before I left the story forever. As to why I ended it with her going in the portal, with the Sovereign plot line looming? Well, I wish to come back to this story eventually. I know, that contradicts the first point. This isn't the end. But for now, it is. 1 year, 2 years, I'm not sure. However, the story will resume someday. Is the ending bad? I have no idea. It's rushed, for sure. But I've never ended a story before, I'm new to all of this. There are so many things I wished I improved, wished I took more time on during the story, but alas, my skill as a writer failed not just me, but you, the readers. I read LitRPG, where endings are a rarity. I need to start reading proper novels, with actual endings haha.
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If I wish to continue writing, pursuing my dream, improving to the point where I'm happy with my story telling, I need to try and write something that does better. Something with a better base. Writing new stories has helped me a lot. I felt like my writing improved so much during Monster Jousting. I put writing techniques I slowly learned into practice. Prose, sentence structure, etc.
I know it's not the same, and it's not in the eyes of the character you have come to love, but Monster Jousting is in the same universe as Eyeball Pulling. Some things are more fleshed out in that one, like the Birthright Castle and Darian. There are even clues as to what Astrid is doing in her adulthood in the first chapter.
So, where do I go from here? Well, it's to keep improving, never stopping in my goals to become a better writer.
Well, enough of my rambling, here's a sneak peek of my new novel coming to Patreon soon -- An Inciting Isekai - [Adventure LitRPG]
Acquire Ingredients. Absorb them. Gain a Class. Power up.
When Levi awakens in a mysterious Victorian town after a train derailment, he finds himself in a child's body amidst darkness and monsters. But possessing the rare talent of an Arch-Magus, armed with deadly magical words, and traps, he's ready to [Incite] riots and Level up to survive.
He’s going to need all the power he can get if he wants to stop the Devil Worshippers that keep trying to summon demons from the graveyard of the gods.
So when Levi’s train derails and wakes in a strange Victorian town all alone, in a child’s body, where a godly hand covers the moon, casting the world in deep darkness and surrounded by monsters that want nothing more than to eat his flesh–he’s lucky he has the talent of an Arch-Magus.
With his words that are magical and deadly. It’s time to [Incite] some riots, and Level up to survive his new life. He’s going to need all the power he can if he wants to stop the Devil Worshippers that keep trying to summon devilish monsters from the graveyard of the gods.
And thank you <>
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