Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 41: Pest Invasion

Chapter 41: Pest Invasion


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 41: Pest Invasion

As soon as the news hit the hall, the children screamed in horror. Even the most ignorant ones knew how deadly those spiders were.

The Headmaster took Swift control of the situation and proceeded to do the most sensible thing he could.

He sent one thousand scared children running onto the halls while the teachers searched the halls for the acromantulas.

"I-Its okay, everyone. Just follow me…"

The shaking voice of Percy Weasley came from the front of the group.

They had separated the Griffindor Students into several groups and he was put in charge of guiding the first-year students.

No matter how nervous or scared he was, Percy swore to himself to get the job done.

"Is this way, Percy!" Shouted the fifth-year female prefect when she saw her partner make a turn into a hall with no exit.

"I knew that!" Percy turned around and walked the other way.

"Yeah, he totally knew that." 

"Of course, there is no way the prefect would panic and get lost during an emergency."

The Weasley twins laughed.

"You two are not helping!" Cried the female prefect.

"We weren't trying to." the twins said in unison.

"Why are you two even here?!, you are third-year's." Complained percy.

"Mom always said that family must remain united." Said Fred.

"And we wanted to see you in action," added George.

Percy ignored the mocking tone of his brothers. This was not the time.

"Do not worry, will be at the dorms soon enough. Well, be safe then…"

Looking at the terrified faces of the first year, he decided to add something else.

"Even if we encounter one of those beasts, I know just the spell to take them down."

Percy claimed with confidence.

"It was something like…aranha exuma…or maybe exuma arania?. I think it was something like that, yes…"

"That doesn't sound right…" the other prefect made a complicated face.

"Oh yes, because when it comes to performing magic, is important to be as vague as possible with your incantation, right?"

"Of course, that's what all the teachers say. Just shout something that sounds more or less like the spell you are trying to cast."

The twins said with a mocking smile.

"You two, that's enough!" the prefect demanded.

"Children, don't panic and stay close to each other. Make sure no one falls behind. " She instructed.

At the back of the group were Hermione, Lavander, and Parvati.

"I'm so scared…and those seniors at the front are not being very reassuring," said Parvati.

"Why couldn't Professor McGonagall come with us?" Lavender said with frustration.

"The professors know what's best. I'm sure the Headmaster had a good reason for this. Don't you agree, Harry?.... Harry?"

Hermione turned around only to find an empty dark corridor behind her.

"Harry!. Where did he go? he was right behind me a moment ago." Hermione said with panic in her voice.


"Point me, Neville." Harry felt a pulsing sensation and his wand moved to point to the left.

'I must be getting close, is not pointing upwards anymore.'

Harry had separated from his group as soon as he saw the opportunity and rushed to find Neville. 

He was now running through a familiar hall on the sixth floor when he spotted the first acromantula.

Harry pointed his wand forward, a rock the size of a basketball appeared, and with a smooth flick of his wrist, he disappeared the rock in the direction the spider was following.

The young acromantula was just the size of a medium dog. It got completely destroyed by the rock that Harry threw and didn't even have time to make a noise or complain.

"Ahhh!, help!" 

He heard a voice calling for help, just a bit further down the hall.

This was a corridor he was very familiar with. The trophy room was just a bit further away.

Last week he came here to have a talk with Daphne, but the room was on the fourth floor back then. This corridor tended to move a lot between the fourth and sixth floors.

After hearing another scream for help, Harry finally saw what was going on. 

Neville had gotten himself inside the cabinet that contained all the trophies. A large group of spiders were right outside, taping on the glass with their legs.

'Good thing that glass has been reinforced with an unbreakable enchantment, otherwise…'

He rather not think about how close that boy had come to a nasty death. 

He conjured more rocks and vanished them, taking out several more spiders.

The acromantulas turned to look at him and made some angry noises but none of them attacked him, just stood there.

'What's is going on?, why don't they move from there?'

Some of the acromantulas stared at Harry while others returned to tap on the glass while the terrified Neville kept screaming.

'Is like they are only interested in killing him…'

He was no expert on animal behavior, but this was certainly strange.

He was about to unleash death upon the creatures when he heard a loud noise approaching from behind.

He turned his head and saw another acromantula, but this one was much bigger than the rest. This one was almost half the size of the Aragog he remembers. Its massive body was wide enough to cover most of the hallway.

Harry now had around ten acromantulas in front of him and one giant one behind.

And he had to deal with them before they could slay Neville.

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