Ah! The Villains I Forced to Turn Evil Can Read My Mind

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Pei Youchuan got straight to the point: "Weisheng Wenzhan, you deliberately approached Qiao Chuchu, didn't you? Because you can hear her thoughts."

Weisheng Wenzhan's eyes darkened as he naturally picked up his wine glass: "What thoughts? I don't understand."

Pei Youchuan's eyes narrowed: "I've already figured it out, Weisheng Wenzhan. Stop pretending. You can hear Qiao Chuchu's thoughts!"

Wenzhan chuckled and shook his head in disdain: "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about."


Qiao Chuchu stood on the deck, feeling the sea breeze and gazing at the moonlit sky.

It was cold, but it made her feel open and free, as if all her worries had vanished.

In fact, she was different now. Without the system, she was free and could live her life to the fullest, enjoying every moment!

She looked around and found the area empty.

She whispered to the moon: "This year, I'm going to work hard!"

Suddenly, someone grabbed her waist and with a powerful force, threw her overboard!!

Qiao Chuchu: "?!"

She splashed into the cold sea!

All her survival instincts kicked in as she surfaced, gasping: "Damn it! Who threw me in here?!"

The railing was empty.

But the ship was still moving.

She struggled to swim toward the ship, shouting: "Help! Somebody, help!!!"

The ship grew farther away, and the icy water made her body stiffen.

Her skin touched the freezing sea, and her limbs soon became too stiff to move. She could only drift passively.


It was too cold!

She couldn't swim anymore!

The rolling waves pushed her farther and farther away. Qiao Chuchu struggled forward, shouting for help: "Help! I'm in the sea!!!"

The ship moved further away, and she floated in the icy water. Suddenly, her leg cramped!

Qiao Chuchu's body sank underwater, taking in a gulp of seawater.

She tried to massage her cramping leg, but her heavy dress made it impossible. She flailed in the water, her survival instincts kicking in, but the dark, empty sea around her spelled her doom.

She knew she was going to die. There was no saving this.

Qiao Chuchu's body bobbed up and down as she mustered her strength to shout in fear: "I'll be back in a second, you murderer! Sleep tight tonight, you hear me?!"

With ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍that, she ran out of strength, closed her eyes, and sank into the cold, flowing sea.

The water was bone-chillingly cold. Her body struggled for oxygen, but gradually, her limbs stopped moving. She sank deeper into the depths.


Qiao Chuchu suddenly sat up on the ground!

She gasped for air, the lingering pain of drowning still fresh. She coughed and looked around.

What she saw was no longer the sea but the system floating in front of her.

The system circled her and sighed: "Can't you take it slow for once? How long has it been since your last death?"

She was still in shock, hugging herself. Her limbs felt cold: "I was murdered."n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Qiao Chuchu shivered, realizing: "I didn't even see what the person looked like or what they were wearing."

The system sighed: "Well, as someone who's meant to die, getting murdered is part of the deal. You should be more cautious."

Qiao Chuchu was dumbfounded: "Then why didn't you warn me earlier that someone wanted to kill me?"

The system checked the data: "When we were still linked, I didn't see anyone with a 'kill intent' toward you. Clearly, it's something that happened after we unlinked. Maybe you should recall who you've pissed off?"

Qiao Chuchu: "..."

Her list of enemies was long.

Just on this ship, there was Qiao Yue, her parents, and Ji Yanchuan.

She pressed: "Can't you see who did it?"

The system regretfully replied: "No, we've unlinked, so you'll have to figure it out yourself."

The scenery around Qiao Chuchu changed, and she reappeared at the ballroom entrance.

The number in front of her blurred from 6 to 5.

She held her champagne, feeling dazed as she looked around.

She was right at the ballroom entrance, about to step out.

Pei Youchuan and Weisheng Wenzhan were talking at a nearby table.

Pei Youchuan was glaring, issuing some kind of warning.

Weisheng Wenzhan responded with ease.

Qiao Chuchu instantly understood.

This was the moment: right after she danced with Weisheng Wenzhan, and Pei Youchuan told her to leave.

Then she went outside and was thrown into the sea.

Which meant the killer had been watching her the whole time.

Qiao Chuchu downed her champagne in one go and, holding up her dress, started walking around the ballroom, looking for anyone suspicious.

Pei Youchuan was still interrogating Weisheng Wenzhan: "I've figured it out, Weisheng Wenzhan. Stop pretending. You can hear Qiao Chuchu's thoughts!"

Weisheng Wenzhan lazily smiled: "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about."

【Who just killed me?!】

Both men startled and looked toward the voice.

Qiao Chuchu, holding up her dress, elegantly walked past the guests. Her gaze was calm and piercing, so beautiful it was hard to look away.

Her eyes scrutinized every smiling face.

【I went to the deck to admire the moon, and some sneaky bastard threw me into the sea!】

【Did you think I was a javelin or something?!】

【If I didn't have a chance to respawn, I'd be a freaking water ghost right now, you know that?!】

Pei Youchuan: "..."

Weisheng Wenzhan: "..."

The two exchanged glances, their expressions turning grim as they walked toward Qiao Chuchu.

But Qiao Chuchu lifted her dress and headed toward the corridor: 【I need to lure the killer out. I have to stand here again, wait for them, and then take them down in one strike.】

Pei Youchuan and Weisheng Wenzhan exchanged glances, both looking tense.

This was too risky.

After all, she was just a fragile girl.

Qiao Chuchu first went to the VIP lounge.

Inside was a decorative golf club.

She picked it up, weighed it, and tucked it into her low-cut evening gown.

Pei Youchuan: "?"

Weisheng Wenzhan: "?"

Qiao Chuchu continued walking, passing a security guard: "Do you have a gun? Lend it to me."

The black security guard hesitated, looking at her face, then took out a stun gun.

He knew she was a VIP, so he handed it over.

Qiao Chuchu took it: "Thanks."

She headed toward the deck, silently cheering herself on!

【Last time, I trusted the wrong person, got thrown into the cold sea while admiring the scenery. This time, I've got a golf club hidden in my dress and a stun gun in hand. I'm going to take back everything I lost!】

【I am the queen!】

Pei Youchuan: "..."

Weisheng Wenzhan: "Your sister's a bit of an idiot, isn't she?"

Pei Youchuan: "..."

In a dark corner, unnoticed by anyone, a silver-haired boy peeked out. Dressed as a waiter in gray and white, his eyes burned with intensity as he watched Qiao Chuchu's silhouette.

Weisheng Huailing's eyes flashed with killing intent.

No one would harm his voice.

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